It's old. It's trite. But it's so true. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. And that's what I did.
I had been working on a passport wallet/purse. (See, (Day Tripper). Since I design as I go, I sometimes end up making several mock-ups before I get the finished product. I had really slaved over the last one, which was to be my first Day Tripper model. I had worked very hard to get it just the way I wanted it. It was done, finished, except for the YAYAMADE iron-on label. Well, to make a long story short, I melted the entire front off of the thing. I said a few choice words, you know, "rats" and "darn" (yeah, right) and, yes, I did cry. And I wondered how in the heck I was going to get that goop off my iron.
Here's the lemonade part. It peeled right off the iron (it had cooled). And it was an intriguing plasticy substance. So, ta-da, I have discovered a new art medium. It's strong, it's pliable. I took a small piece and appliqued it onto a piece of fabric. So, there you go. You never know when life will give you lemonade. (The pics show before and after the iron fiasco.)