Friday, May 14, 2010


Ran/walked again today. That's 3 times this week so far. This time I did the 2 miles, doing a 3/2 run/walk both ways. The plan: Tomorrow 3 miles.

As far as songwriting, progress there as well. I'll not be able to meet with my new friend who also writes plays and music as she'll be going out of town, and then I go on vacation, and who knows when we can get together. But she made some wonderful suggestions on how I can proceed and I've been on the internet tracking down things she mentioned. I am much encouraged. I'm looking to learn piano and taking a creative writing course.

"Just do it," someone said. OK, I will. Stay tuned.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

On the Creative Side of Things

I haven't been creating through sewing lately. I've cut out a Tote-a-Tee purse, but not the lining. I've been concentrating on my other creative interest, song writing. Yes, I write songs. Mostly Christian songs, but I have some others too. What's so interesting - well, hysterical really - is that I have almost no musical skills with which to do this. I don't play piano. I don't play guitar. I can barely read music, as I played clarinet in high school, but remember so little about it. It's just in my head, all this wonderful music and lyrics; and of course I sing them. But I'm learning more about it each day. And I'm finding people, wonderful people, who are willing to help me. God has a plan. I'm going to stretch beyond my comfort zone to see where he wants to lead me in all this. Yaaaaaay!

Running Again

Well, after walk-running for the first time in months on 4/29, I didn't walk/run again until yesterday. And then again today. So, I'm beginning to get back on track (excuse the pun). I discovered - rediscovered really - that slow and steady is my pace. Now, I know that even when I go faster than I should, it's still pretty darn slow, but if I slow down to my comfortable slow pace, I can go farther and feel better in the process. So there. I'm currently just doing 2 miles, walking the first mile and run/walking back. My run/walk is a 3/2, meaning I run 3 minutes and walk 2 minutes; so, 3/2 intervals. Two days this week so far. I'm happy with that.