This is my second DIY furniture refinishing project. My first was our coffee table. I transformed it from green to wood stain to match the wood-stain top. Same thing with this project, the sofa table. I forgot to take before pics, but here's a pic of a before leg so you can see the green. I'm changing color schemes in the living room, so the green had to go.
Here's a pic of me at work doing the sanding with my new Black &
Decker Mouse. I love this Mouse, also called a "detail sander". It's light weight and because of it's shape, I can get into all the nooks and crannies to sand. I used MBD's Mouse for my first project, but wanted my own as I liked using it so much and wanted to return hers. I looked at Wal-Mart, knowing they run about $34. Lo and behold I found two for - drum roll, please - $6 each. I bought both of them; one for me and one for my BFF Ruth. Since I dismantled the table, I was able to sand the pieces sitting down. Much easier on the body.

Having the fan blowing directly on me was the only way I could have done the sanding in our Texas Gulf Coast heat. It's an old Kenmore and was my dad's. He had it in his garage or workshop for as long as I can remember. It was comforting having it there, keeping me cool - well, at least not sweltering - while I did the sanding, knowing it was my dad's. I miss him. I think he'd like it that I'm DIYing.
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