Mollie has brought a lot of sunshine into my life. And inspiration. She is a sweet, wonderful, well-behaved dog, but -- had to be a "but.
But we have some "issues", like pulling on the leash when she sees squirrels and other dogs. Okay, okay, the squirrel thing is partly on me. I encouraged the chasing because it was so funny. But a little goes a long way. Besides there's the whole safety issue. Hers and mine.
Then there's the refusal to stop barking after I say "it's okay" or "quiet." She's a great watchdog, b
ut wants to have the last word.

We're working on these and other issues and will soon be attending doggie school. Mainly handler school, so I can learn the proper way to train her. Now that training treats are playing a big part in our lives, I decided that I needed a bag to hold treats. Getting them out of my pocket isn't quick enough.
Introducing the Tote-A-Treat, which is of course a "green" project. It was once a scrub top. I kept the design simple. Just a bag to hold treats. The first one I made is not lined. The strap serves to stabilize the top of one side of the bag and I simply tied the snap hooks onto the strap. That makes it easily adjusta
ble. I snap the hooks onto my belt loops. I tied the ends of the strap together so I can hang the bag with Mollie's collars and leashes.

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