Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Let's Talk Thrifting

I know there are some folks out there that don't shop at thrift stores, but I can't for the life of me understand why they don't - or won't. You can find just about anything. In fact, you never know what you'll find. Some of my most fun purchases have been from thrift stores. I get a big bang for very little bucks.

Here's an example (photo). I got all of these goodies for the grand total of - drum roll, please - $5.38, and that includes the sales tax. For that pittance I bought: 1 man's sport coat, which will be used to make three, maybe four handbags, and trim others; 2 blouses, for me to wear; 1 knit top for me to wear and use as a pattern for refashioning t-shirts; 1 yard of burlap for making and trimming handbags; and 5 zippers that will be used for handbag pockets and closures. Jackpot!

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